Saturday, August 16, 2008

Phelps is the Man!

I cannot believe how amazing this guy is, 8 gold metals- what an accomplish ment!

Mr. Independence

I pretty much do everything for my son, just because it's easier and faster if I do it- rather then him. But I realized that Tai is way too old for me to be doing everything, and at the rate I'm going I will probably be cutting his food when he is 30 yrs old. So I'm learning to take a step back and let him try and fail on his own and then step in when he finally gets frustrated and can't do it anymore. It has worked, he is learning to be more independent and to try things on his own without my help. The funniest thing though was the other day when I told him to get his shoes and to put them on. He came back with his sandals on the wrong feet and an extra toe in one of his sandals, it was so cute and I let him run around a little bit like that - then I finally fixed it. Hopefully this is a start to his new found independence from me, next the dishes- j/k I totally wish though!