Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cowabunga Bay

It's so exciting to see this water park being built, almost in our front yard! They annouced this neighborhood waterpark to be built in December2008, and we thought it would be built in the fall 2009. But to our excitement it's going up really fast, and should be done this summer. I'm so going to get season passes for Tai and I and - this is my current motivation to get back in the gym again after a long vacation. Can't wait for cowabunga bay!


Inouyes said...

I was up there last week with my boss and he told me its suppose to be the biggest water park in the US or World is that true? You guys are so lucky its pretty much walking distance from your place *sigh*

Nimo said...

lucky!! looks like it'll be a lot of fun. great to see you at sinas party, you look great!

hine.T said...

Where is dis? Didn't even hear (nor see it while we drove by on I-15)? Rather go to anything not as far as Lagoon & not as ghetto as 7 Peaks. LOL. Yes ghetto! LOL!!!!